a space made by artists for artists
the stass paraskos


The Cyprus College of Art is not a teaching college,
and so we do not offer any formal or accredited courses. However we
do offer two loosely-structured programmes for artists and art graduates, allowing you to spend time working on your art in Cyprus.
These programmes run to set periods annually, which are:
Postgraduate Certificate from April to June (three months)
Postgraduate Diploma from April to September (six months)
Postgraduate Diploma Flex is a two part programme from April to June and September to November (six months)
There is no formal teaching on the programmes, but you will be asked to do three things:
Explore aspects of Cyprus of interest to you and allow those aspects to influence your work
Write a statement of 1000 to 2000 words explaining how Cyprus has influenced your work
Take part in group exhibitions (one for the Postgraduate Certificate and two for the Postgraduate Diploma) showing your work.
The nature of the exploration and influence of Cyprus is entirely up to you, but it could involve looking at the natural environment of Cyprus, its rich and complex cultural history, its contemporary artistic, cultural or political life and similar. Given the geographical location of Cyprus and its living and historical culture and heritage, this is an opportunity to really engage with some of the big questions in art.
However, these programmes are also an opportunity for you to discover (or rediscover) yourself as an artist. Perhaps you have been out of university or art school for some time and want an opportunity to re-engage with your art, or perhaps you are straight out of university and need a kind of 'halfway house' between the excess of assessment and structure in academia and the sometimes daunting freedom of the outside world.
Completion of the above tasks on the programmes leads to the award of either the Postgraduate Certificate in Fine Art or Postgraduate Diploma in Fine Art as appropriate.
The environment at Lempa is low tech, but we welcome applications from artists and graduates of studio arts programmes specialising in any discipline. You will have to provide any specialist equipment yourself. You need to be self-sufficient and not have need of technicians to make your work or set everything up for you.
We try to limit place on the programmes to no more than six or seven people at any one time to ensure participants have large studio spaces and living accommodation is comfortable.
We are not strict on entrance requirements, but in general we expect people taking part in this programme to have completed a degree in Fine Art or similar. People without this are considered, but must show that they have a serious track record to making art.
The programmes are only open to people who do not require visas to enter Cyprus. This means both programmes are open to all citizens of the European Union, EEA and Switzerland. Citizens of the United States, Canada, Japan, Israel, Russia, Australia, New Zealand and a number of other countries can only apply for the three month Postgraduate Certificate in Fine Art.
The language of the College is English, but we only ask that artists and art graduates using our facilities have sufficient English language skills to communicate effectively.
As this is not a formal course it should be considered a cultural and artistic experience rather than a way of gaining yet another certificate. It is intended to help you expand and enhance your artistic practise in a fascinating and deeply stimulating environment, and should be seen solely in those terms.
The course is not accredited by any state or other organisation. However, some universities or art schools in the UK or Ireland might accept your time spent at the Cyprus College of Art as equivalent to time spent on their own MA programmes in art using systems called APL or Accreditation of Prior Learning in the UK, and RPL or Recognition of Prior Learning in Ireland. If they do then it is possible you can use your time in Cyprus to offset time spent studying at a British or Irish university or art school. However, it is up to any British or Irish institution whether they do this, there is no right to it, and we make no claims that it will be possible. All we can say is that it has happened in the past.
Postgraduate Certificate from April to June (three months) 1,500 euro
Postgraduate Diploma from April to September (six months) 2,900 euro
Postgraduate Diploma Flex is a two part programme from April to June and September to November (six months) 2,900 euro
This includes the cost of studio accommodation and living accommodation (youth hostel style) at the college in Lempa.
There is no financial aid available for these programmes, but as you can see the fees are very low, especially as they include living accommodation.
If you are interested in applying for these programmes please complete the online application form by clicking here.
Do not send images of work or other documents at this stage. We will contact you later to request these where appropriate.
Deadline for applications to start in April 2024 is March 2024.
Late applications will be considered if places are still available, however the course numbers are restricted to no more than six artists at any one time and so early application is strongly advised.
If you have any questions do please get in touch.